Modified: May 25, 2023
1. Everyone is expected to strive to imitate the character of Jesus Christ throughout each moment of our time together.
2. Everyone staying at camp must be registered, even if only staying one night.
3. If anyone has medication of any kind, it must be turned in to the camp nurse/doctor at check in.
4. In order to promote Biblical purity and modesty, KFC does not allow clothing with offensive messages, as determined by Camp Directors.
5. No food or drink is allowed in the cabins.
6. No camper or non-kitchen volunteer is allowed in the kitchen area at any time. No camper is allowed in the mechanical room at any time.
7. No camper may leave with anyone other than a parent or guardian without permission from a parent or guardian. You must let the directors and your huddle leader (or comparable) know if you leave. All campers must sign out before they leave.
8. In order to avoid distraction and enhance Biblical focus KFC has the following cell phone regulations:
• Cell phones are discouraged throughout your camp experience.
• If you choose to bring a cell phone, KFC is not liable for the phone, you are responsible for keeping up with it, and you are expected to use it responsibly.
9. Help us keep KFC safe. Campers are not permitted to have any type of weapon, including pocket knives.
10. Absolutely no tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs or vaping products. Zero tolerance! We can search bags!
11. Profanity is not permitted while camp premises.
12. Physical contact between staff members, huddle leaders and/or campers that is done in expression of comfort and approval is permitted. Any suspicious, inappropriate, or unusual observations of physical interaction between staff members, huddle leaders, and/or campers shall be immediately reported to the camp director.
13. Campers must stay within the boundaries outlined by the camp directors. No camper is to leave the camp area without accompaniment of a huddle leader or camp staff.
14. Campfires must be supervised at all times.
15. Hiking trails must be done as a group of three or more with a huddle leader or camp staff present.
16. All campers and staff are to attend all scheduled events unless excused by the huddle leaders or camp directors.
17. Female campers are not allowed in the area of the boys’ cabins. Male campers are not allowed in the area of the girls’ cabins. Campers are expected to sleep in their assigned cabins and remain in their cabins after lights out each night.
18. Female campers are not allowed in the boys' bathroom and shower area. Male campers are not allowed in the girls' bathroom and shower area.
19. Visitors must have approval from the camp director prior to arriving at camp.
20. You are expected to abide by all camp rules. If you do not conduct yourself in a proper Christian manner, the directors have the right to send you home. If you have any items with you that are inconsistent with the rules, they should be turned in to the directors.
Photos & Videos
1. KFC reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken during a KFC event, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. KFC may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by KFC, including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, books, websites, social media, etc.
2. A person attending a KFC event who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the photographer and/or other event organizers, and contact KFC at Koinonia Farms Camp, 15605 Long Run Road, Laurelville, OH 43135, in writing of his/her intentions and include a photograph. KFC will use the photo for identification purposes and will hold it in confidence to the best of its ability.